Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine proposed the idea more than 5,000 years ago that there is a network of energy pathways (meridians) that can be mapped to the body. Meridians oscillate or vibrate with life force (qi).
- Acupuncture, for meridian problems,to correct the balance of qi or energy in the body.
- Herbal Medicine, for problems arising from the internal material substance of the body.
- Massage (Tui Na), including cupping and spooning, where there is a tightening or twisting of the muscles and tendons.
- Dietary Therapy, for poor eating habits and seasonal dietary adjustments.
- Physical Exercise, for lifestyle or work practices which overuse or stress the body.
Chinese Medicine is based on pattern discrimination (a description of the signs and symptoms coupled with other methods of observation), which leads to an individualised treatment. The practitioner thus goes beyond the patient’s presentation and additionally focuses on whole body constitution and well-being.
The combination of the above therapies represents a holistic strategy for treatment and prevention of disease.
Esoteric Acupuncture
More recently, in alignment with her quantum energy interests, Faye is now practising Esoteric acupuncture.
Developed by Mikio Sankey, a doctor of Oriental Medicine from Los Angeles, California, it uses encoded patterns of needle sequencing to open the chakras and expand consciousness, focussing on spiritual wellness rather than dis-ease.